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Varied Data Conversion Tools That Would Boost Your Business Efficiency

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With the advancement of technology in today’s world, many methods are used regularly to ensure that a company remains competitive and efficient. Employees must be motivated as they strive to meet their annual goals set by their business. In this instance, some responsibilities must be fulfilled to ensure that the firm functions smoothly and, more importantly, to gain a competitive advantage. One among them is a data conversion.

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As a distinct strategic endeavor, as part of the entire data management process, data conversion merits deserve a special reputation. The quality of historical data conversion has a decisive role, especially in businesses, in defining the quality and availability of the information collected over time. In every area, document conversion is quite important. Organizations can utilize various data conversion and documenting procedures to assure the compatibility of their data with their systems.

Various intelligent data conversion solutions are effective, companies report great returns and, after they’ve used them, mostly motivated workforce. Let’s see the most important tools for boosting your efficiency.

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The image converters are an outstanding software to convert pictures to JPEG in a short time. It also allows you to convert pictures into JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF files. Corporate people would like to convert photographs into different formats to make their website more visitor-friendly when multiple photographs have been compressed and saved in one file.

It is a marketing method that helps to establish companies faster when stakeholders visit the site and receive all necessary information with a single click. You can hire an outstanding data conversion company to do it for you.

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In enterprises all across the world, PDF documents are extensively utilized. It is supported and usable in the right way by any individual who is capable of reading the displays efficiently on any device from a laptop, mobile phone, and other readable devices. As the PDF documents are unchangeable, they needed to be converted into Word documents for making edits. The PDF text converter bridges the gap and assists the user to convert the document to an editable word format in which a point or target is finished. This is crucial because employees get a document centrally and assign obligations to each employee. The simplification of tasks minimizes time, workload, and costs in time, while the work is accomplished in real-time.

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The software is used to convert the input video to another one to facilitate the smooth running of it in another format. Well, it even helps in the smoother running of a company. The Gif to MOV file is an example of a video converter. This allows a huge file to be converted into a compressed file which not only helps in saving storage space and reduces stock expenses at the end of the day.

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The Audio Converter refers to programs that can convert video data to other selected formats as per your necessity. The audio converter uses two forms, one for source information and the other for destination encoding. It reduces the file size and switches from WAV to MP3. The files are then compressed by transforming to MP3, saving considerable storage space. It also gives unlimited conversions online free of charge.

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Certain strategies are key to your data conversion efforts to assure their success. Let’s look at them.

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Proper planning: Proper planning is required for successful data translation. Every project of data conversion service must begin by identifying project limits. You can design your project by asking several questions to determine those limits.

Ensure Business Engagement: It’s critical to employees the value of data conversion as well as how the quality of data conversion can affect later operations. Data conversion is thus a task that is important from both a business and a technical standpoint.

Implement data standards: Defining and implementing standards in data quality contributes to ensuring accuracy all across various databases. Evaluate and measure data quality regularly, and keep an eye on the impact on business value.

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In short, data conversion as a whole can improve business efficiency by smoothening the processes easily. The data conversion companies around you can help you in this very process. Hence what you need is the perfect outsourcing company to partner with.

Data Entry Export is a famous name in the data conversion and management field. The company would never let you remain unsatisfied about your status in the market. Trust us and give us a chance to help you. Mail us at [email protected]


Emeley John

Things to Know About Word Processing Services in a Business

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To enhance the business and the data content most organizations use word processing services especially the large companies. Also, these services are needed for proper document processing, styling, document formatting, spacing, and organizing of your data according to its importance and relevance.

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Why outsourcing is preferred over in-house resources, is that you will get quality data like offline data entry from a professional team who will know how to deal with them more than you or your in-house members. It is not like getting any outsourcing company to work for your enterprise but you should find the best one, with accuracy and time-bound presentation. Only by a proper understanding of your company’s needs will they be able to provide you quality content. So ensure that you find the appropriate outsourcing provider for your company and don’t fall for the less expensive ones.

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What are the things to note when opting for word processing services?

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Only after knowing what to outsource should you opt for any word processing services. In the commercial market with the technology advancements and improvements made, for all those non-core businesses there has been a huge demand for these services. You should look for those services your company is looking for and then go for an outsourcing provider.

Some of the word processing services have document processing, database management, document formatting, designing, compiling, offline data entry, layout changing, etc. By knowing which services you need, you can connect with an outsourcing company that provides quality content.

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Even though most of the outsourcing companies say that they provide quality content to their clients, you should ensure that they can be trusted with these services and also for your business operations. Only authentic and genuine work should be opted by you. From the testimonials, you will be able to get an idea about the company’s abilities and skills.

Only if you feel satisfied and are ready to move forward with the option should you prefer one. Be it document processing, offline data entry services, or document formatting. Also as machinery and software used to play a crucial role in providing accurate results in word processing, which you should keep a check on. The dedication of the outsourcing company can be understood from some of the elements mentioned above.

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If you value the word processing services, then you will not decide to hand over it to an amateur. Only prefer those expert hands that can provide you great outcomes and keep up with the accuracy. One who knows the work inside and out will be able to keep up with the pace. You can also get the help of an in-house assistant which will be much costlier compared to the outsourcing experts.

Here also you will have to test the skills and work procedure and decide if he/she will be fit for your business operations. You can be stress-free once you get the perfect outsourcing company understanding your business needs. Also to make sure that their processes fit with yours, these outsourcing companies even provide a free trial run option. You can use this opportunity to ensure that their work procedures cover all your business needs. Thus you will get a chance to assess the advanced methodologies used to enhance the word processing outputs.

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For the various services offered by the outsourcing companies, they can charge different prices. But don’t believe that the ones providing services under less costly prices are the ones to look for. Because the quality of work they present to you can be less qualified too. Quality should always be given priority over price. Don’t fall for affordable price options, as they can be misleading. You must reach a conclusion only after assessing the prices offered by all the companies along with the services and offers provided. After analyzing the advantages and having a reasonable price you can opt for the desired company. Make sure you opt for the best one.

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Data entry export provides you with data processing, scanning, indexing, web research services, and even more. If you are looking for an expert for outsourcing data mining, then you can mail us at [email protected]


Emeley John
data entry services

Reasons Behind Outsourcing Data Entry Service

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Outsourcing data entry service is a prevailing concept in the business world. Data or business information acquires a critical attribution in an organization. Be it online data entry or offline data entry, to strengthen the data processing services, outsourcing enhances efficient management, flexibility, and performance.

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Always remember to hire an offshore data processing service provider, as it will bring success and growth to your business instantly. Digitizing and categorizing the business data minimizes the physical storage of documents. The data entry outsourcing companies ease the process of accessing the data quickly. Also, outsourcing will create a powerful digital backup.

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We’ll be discussing the reasons that promote data entry outsourcing services.

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One of the top-notch reasons that lead to outsourcing data entry services is the time and cost factors. Outsourcing is the best option if you are seeking an affordable data entry solution. Data entry in-house will require the involvement of trained professionals and valuable resources. But with the outsourcing concept, your business can save an enormous amount. Also, you can eliminate the need to spend on in-house infrastructure. On the same level, outsourcing data entry services will also save your time and help you to focus on core activities.

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Outsourcing data entry services will help you to explore the proficiency of expert and trained data entry operators. The team at the BPO outsourcing company will have years of experience in handling all kinds of data processing services, including online/offline data entry, and so on. The presence of high-quality data entry results is necessary as it contributes to the strategic decision-making process and effective data management system. Accuracy is an important factor to be noted while implementing data entry services, and outsourcing helps you to accomplish the need.

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Alongside, trained and dedicated data entry operators, the data entry service providers have a pool of well-equipped and knowledge-oriented quality check staff. The quality check control team will take a quick and deeper look at the digitized files, to look for errors. They will successfully identify and rectify the data entry errors such as duplication, inaccuracy, etc. Hiring a quality check team in-house can be expensive but with the outsourcing process, things fall easily at the right place, especially at a low cost.

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A majority of organizations face a lack of security in-house when it comes to managing business documents. But such hassles can be prevented from outsourcing the data entry services. The data security measures executed by the data entry companies will provide 100% safety to the business documents and digitized files. Right from signing an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), performing frequent internal audits, giving authorized access with confidential credentials, and having a robust backup. Such healthy data security procedures will eliminate all kinds of internal or external threats that could hamper the business’s functioning.

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Few of the other reasons behind outsourcing data entry service includes:

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  • Paying the outsourcing companies for the work done by them
  • No need to hire additional experts or resources
  • Enhancing the business focus in this competitive world
  • Maximizing the data entry productivity
  • Time-zone differences
  • Having excellent infrastructure and professionals
  • Delivering the data entry services within a shorter TAT
  • Reducing the operational cost by 30-40%

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If you are dealing with a bulk of data entry services, it is always advisable to hire a professional data entry outsourcing companies. Data Entry Export is one of the world’s best BPO outsourcing company, having a team of professional data entry operators, specialized in handling all kinds of data processing projects. To get a free quote, you can contact our experts at [email protected]


Emeley John

Need for having Offline Data Entry Service in an Organization

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If you run a business, data entry is a time-consuming process that really important and still ends in mistakes during the company’s final audits. When it comes to the final audit, using an outsource offline data entry service provider to perform such tasks efficiently would ensure that you get the best results for the business.

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Effectively using the benefits that data entry will have for your business can ensure that it is ready for growth and expansion. Also, if you want to take advantage of the vast amounts of data available to you, you are squandering a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Getting effective offline data entry services to assist you will still be a game-changer for your company, no matter what kind of business you operate.

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Let us see why your firm needs an offline data entry service?

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Offline data entry is regarded as a tedious job. If you assign this to your usual staff, they will lose motivation for sure. However, entrusting it to a data entry company allows you to delegate more critical activities among your employees, resulting in improved overall productivity. Furthermore, the lack of boredom allows the employees to be creative.

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When you’re surrounded by data entry work that needs to be done, you’ll know it’s time to outsource. In the case of offline data entry, it is much harder and needs better attention and care. While you have an offline data entry service provider, you can simply get over this by their skills and efficiency at a faster pace.

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Data entry outsourcing firms employ a team of conscientious individuals who analyze data and plan offline invoice and insurance types. The team works on the company’s large amount of data on a regular basis. They enable you to obtain complete solutions to your data-related issues.

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The data entry service providers offer a bunch of different services under a roof. Your task filling, paperwork, offline entry for insurance and legal records, excel data entry and offline data entry from the site can all be done with the help of a single data processing service provider. You will be able to complete the data entry on schedule. The smoothness of a company’s cash flow can be improved by outsourcing data entry.

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To provide you with the fastest and reliable data entry, data entry process outsourcing firms use SSL servers. They protect the confidentiality of the company’s sensitive information by encrypting it with SSL servers. They act in a transparent manner with your organization and supply you with all of your data credentials.

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When you do the data entry yourself or delegate it to your employees, you risk creating a lot of uncertainty and a lack of structuring. data entry service providers would digitize your offline data, ensuring that it is still usable, easily found, and open through a variety of platforms. It’s an opportunity to make the data more indexed, well-organized, and rational. It will be available to you anytime you decide to make a business decision.

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Companies that outsource offline data entry services provide you with their strongest team of data scientists at a very low cost. You will not see it as an additional cost to your business, and you will be able to obtain all data solutions under one roof. Outsourcing is unquestionably an ideal way to enhance the company’s data collection mechanism and, as a result, raise sales. So, instead of mindlessly inserting letters and icons and having to organize them in files, free up the employees’ time and let them focus on core tasks or communicate with clients.

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Data Entry Export is the best and foremost place to outsource your data entry services including offline, online, and excel data entry. We have the most modern tools and highly qualified resources to take care of your most difficult data entry tasks. To know more about us and how our services would help you to enhance your system, just drop a mail at [email protected]. Get in contact with us right away and let us take care of your sensitive information.


Emeley John
excel data entry process

Possible ways to enhance your excel data entry process

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Excel data entry process is a hectic task that needs pure and proper skill and knowledge to complete accurately. But it is the perfect tool to organize the data and store it safely. The data accumulation and age of digitization have encouraged the Excel data entry services to be more prominent nowadays. This well-maintained tabular document is a room for important information.

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As Excel data entry is a time-consuming and complex task, each error that takes place in it will waste your valuable time that should be dedicated to cover the core tasks. The Excel data entry process are being on-demand which made people exponentially hire professional BPO service providers to handle their data entry needs.

Improving your Excel data entry process is something necessary for a consistent and error-free database. There are several tips to improve data entry. Give a moment and go through it.

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Yes, the working speed has so much to do with the inaccuracies in it. Hurrying is not at all a good option to deal with your Excel data entry. Don’t hurry or go too slow with your Excel data entry. This would help you to complete the tasks before the deadline and with much lesser errors and save your efforts.

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Some errors might be caused by the last database from which it has been transferred. The errors can be incorrect values or figures, or the right text appearing in the wrong place. Solving such issues is easier when you know where is the root of these errors. If you expect an accurate offline data entry, you should rectify this as fast as possible.

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Reviewing the data and ensuring they are well and good would be a practice for accurate data entry. Proofreading the data entered in cells would help you to refine the errors if it is present. Reviewing it regularly would better than doing it as a whole. Try it out as it won’t lose you anything.

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Using tools, tricks and tech simultaneously would help you to enhance the Excel data entry process. You can utilize the data validation in Excel which can ease the finding of inappropriate data. Also, you can see the alert of errors in the alert tab which leaves an error alert notification if the cell does not meet the values added in the cell. Yes, the auto-correct feature is an exceptional one, as it could correct spellings, formats, and symbols inserted automatically, etc. But be careful with it as it cannot be right always.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Understand the importance of data quality” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:16px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Merriweather%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”]

Ultimately knowing the significance of quality data would compel you to improve the data entry. Understand the data, and start with knowing the logical side of it. Offering proper training to the employees would help a lot to the enhancement and go with the trends in data entry services.

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Following these points would definitely help you to improve the Excel data entry process. With this, you need a professional resource that could directly help you with it. You can either outsource the service, hire a professional or train your employees to achieve it.

At Data Entry Export you can get the professional help you need in the Excel data entry. With us, we promise you can reach where you always wanted to. We have thousands of satisfied customers who are living examples for improved efficiency. Try us at [email protected].


Emeley John
data extraction services

Top 5 unique data extraction ideas benefitting your business

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Internet is the room for the abundance of knowledge. The limitless data in it is accessible for anybody. But as the vast amount of data makes the extraction of prominent ones challenging. Hence for the right insights that might be beneficial for your business need expert help. This is the core reason for the birth of web data extraction services.

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Well, the problem gets worse while social media and the digital world offer exponential access to data. Forward-thinking enterprises will only remain ahead by keeping their mind open to the current events in this alternate world.

This can be effectively handled by web research or web data extraction services.  It ensures that the businesses take only the right steps and decisions based on relevant data for their growth. Web data extraction or data mining services are important for any enterprise because it interacts with a vast volume of data processed dynamically. Organizations must recognize the significance of this data to make the best strategic decisions at the right moment. Any of the most important aspects in which web data extraction can benefit companies are described below.

Businesses can utilize web data extraction in several ways, let us find out some of them.

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Effective Ideas to Leverage Web Data Extraction Services for Your Business

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Research” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:16px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Merriweather%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”]

The most effective way for businesses to use online data mining services is by conducting market research. Web scraping services and technology can access digital content that can’t normally be replicated or that can only be downloaded after making an account available. Companies should do a comprehensive research into market dynamics, financial and technical implications, opportunities and challenges, industry benchmarks, and emerging technologies, among other things. Businesses will remain ahead of the curve by holding a finger on the pulse of the whole market.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Market Analysis ” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:16px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Merriweather%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]

Learning about rivals, emerging industry trends, related goods or services, and the actions that competitors are taking, can be extremely helpful for business development. Data extraction services will help you to get regular reports on your rivals’ digital activities.

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For performing highly tailored advertisements and publicity activities, target audience research may be particularly helpful. Web data mining services can be used for a variety of purposes, including exploring new content, customer touch points, product results, target demographic, sampling, market analysis, social network analysis, consumer opinion analysis, and more. Enterprises will discover new possibilities or avert challenges before they arise by having a sneak glimpse at what the general public is concerned about online. Companies should study their existing opportunities or clients in addition to their target demographic to ensure improved lead nurturing and consumer satisfaction.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Analysis of Pricing Policy” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:16px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Merriweather%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]

Pricing policy is just as essential for other goods and service suppliers as it is for e-commerce businesses. They must have access to information about their rivals’ products, specifications, programs, skills, and prices. Enterprises can stay up to date and innovative by providing early insights into pricing tactics and developments in their domain.

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Maintaining a strong brand image is critical in today’s digital world, where everyone can speak and learn about your business. Web data extraction services will assist you with social media and public sentiment research, allowing you to handle your web profile more effectively. You will keep your brand name high by understanding where your customers are and being an involved member of the group.

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There is a plethora of automated web-scraping applications available that gather relevant data from the internet. This technique will speed up the site data extraction process, but it also necessitates some human effort to ensure that the information gathered is accurate and that you have only the relevant data rather than a bagful of data that is difficult to digest.

Do you wish that you get the right service provider for outsourcing your web data extraction service? Well, Data Entry Export might be your dream partner for this. We offer world-class services at the most affordable price. The way we provide data research services has made us famous across the globe.

To know more about us drop us a mail at [email protected]


Emeley John
image processing service

Boost OCR accuracy with advanced image processing service!

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OCR conversion services are being considered as most handy scanning or conversion service in image processing service as it helps a business to scan even the most complex data without much effort. AI has been trying to extract valuable insights for businesses by experimenting with traditional data and images.

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Only an accurate OCR result can help a firm to bring in these desirable insights. Inaccuracies in the image processing or digital photo processing services can pull down the original quality of a physical document. Hence, the accurate OCR conversion service is crucial for a business.

The accuracy of an OCR result is found by comparing it to the original text. Most of the OCR engines provide 98% of accuracy. Also, the inaccuracy or poor OCR result might be the result of the cheap image quality or low image resolution. Let us see how to improve this OCR accuracy through the image processing.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”How to Enhance OCR Accuracy with Image Processing Service” font_container=”tag:h1|font_size:18px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Merriweather%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_custom_heading text=”1. Check the quality of the original source” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:15px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Merriweather%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”]

The foremost step to achieve an extra ordinary OCR conversion is to ensure quality source images. The quality of the image will depend on the state of the original paper, hence it should be checked against wrinkles, discoloring, and any kind of damages. The presence of any one thing among these would affect the quality of the OCR conversion services. So, using the pure and most original document for conversion would work better.

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Scaling the image to at least 300 DPI would help you to achieve the most accurate OCR conversion. While the DPI goes lower than 200, the outcome will be vague and obscure results. And when it goes above the rate of 600, it will become a huge file without much quality. But when you use a DPI level of 300, it works the best in OCR accuracy.

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Poor OCR can be a result of low contrast. So, when you are up to enter an OCR process it would be better to try to increase the contrast and density before it. The scanning software or any other image processing software can help you to carry this out. The higher the contrast between the characters and background is, the higher the clarity would be.

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OCR engines work mostly with monochrome images which eventually adds up color monochrome conversion. Binarizing an image to a black and white one would help to encourage accuracy in the OCR conversion. It also helps in decreasing the size of the image while sending it for the conversion process.

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These steps can efficiently increase the accuracy of OCR conversion services. Outsourcing the process would easily help you to enhance the accuracy. But just remember to choose the right partner to do it for you.

Data Entry Export is an offshore outsourcing service provider that is well-known for image processing service. You can outsource photo editing, OCR conversion, and more tasks affordably and attain the best services from here. Catch us over [email protected].


Emeley John
PDF conversion services

Future of PDF conversion service in the coming global revolution

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PDF conversion services are most common and are used in most sectors as data conversion has become an inevitable part of each of them. Firms use various tools to handle bulk data conversion. But efficiently converting the data with a minimum loss would be the real hassle.

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The PDF conversion services include –

  • Files including images are converted into PDF without losing the quality.
  • Converting PDFs into any other formats like word, excel, images, and more.
  • Converting hard copies of documents into soft copies by scanning them in.

Some challenges usually make it difficult in converting PDFs. The challenges include that the PDFs cannot be easily updated, hard to convert with high quality, PDFs possess compatibility problems with several browsers, and more.

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Outsourcing the PDF conversion services will be helpful to mitigate these common challenges and improve the process of PDF conversion. Also, the industrialization and global revolution emphasize the worth of outsourcing. Hence, we can ensure that the outsourcing PDF conversion services

The data conversion service takes place with the use of the right tool and methodical order. Outsourcing firms offer experts who would analyze the text first and make the workflow as per the project. Hence it will be the best option to keep the PDF conversion easy and effective.

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High Quality – A higher quality service being offered to the global level by the outsourcing firms. While you approach them for the PDF conversion services you can ensure that you will gain the best service.

Fast Turnaround Time – while you outsource the document conversion like PDF or OCR conversion service, the deadlines will be met with higher accuracy and efficiency. This ensures you never go out of time while you have an outsourcing partner.

Cost Factor – If you have a lower budget and would not like to waste much money upon PDF conversion services, it is better to outsource them to an experienced and affordable outsourcing company that meets your budget requirements and offer cost-efficient solutions.

Technology – You don’t have to worry about the tools and techs used for the efficient PDF conversion as your outsourcing partner already know how to handle it. The service providers always offer the most accurate results.

Security – As your outsourcing partner holds a stringent security standard, it is easier for you to assure the security of your documents and can outsource them without any worries.

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Thus outsourcing PDF conversion service helps companies to offer a high standard and save much on the budget. They would definitely provide a high-quality result. Also as global revolution and industrialization has played a significant part the company that outsources the service will gain access to world-class quality and that even at minimal prices. This helps several firms to grow and flourish in no time.

Data Entry Export is an outsourcing firm that has been offering services around the world. The document, HTML, PDF, and OCR conversion services we offer are most hailed. You can get to know more about us from [email protected].


Emeley John
insurance claim processing services

Notable Insurance Claim Processing Trends to be Watched in Future

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Shortly, technology will be playing a critical role in the insurance claim processing along with privacy and regulation staying front. The priority of any insurance claim process is to improve the profit and its growth. So, nowadays the insurance firms are trying to make use of the best practices and technology for improving the insurance and claim process. Now, let’s look below at some of the notable insurance claim processing trends to be watched out for in the future.

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The insurance industry is trying to adapt to the change in customer expectations and behaviors by bringing out automation in insurance claims processing steps. This is done by using Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning which helps in efficient decision making.  The use of the drone, chatbot, and camera phone is being used to report the claim, provide aspects about any damage or invoices, and for communicating with the customer.  It makes the claim process fast and safe for the customers and insurers as there is no human interaction which is especially beneficial during this pandemic.

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There is a great need to maintain large forms of data about the customers which forms a base of the insurance profiles. Nowadays the data can carry out by using real-time based information from data sources like sensors which predict and inform the insurance needs in a better way. Today insurance companies are bringing out User-based insurance policies which make use of IoT devices to collect the data and the underwriters personalize premium price based on it.

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Data privacy has become a major concern today. New regulations are being added globally. Even though it brings out more complexity, data privacy could be maintained more securely. Insurers need to effectively manage and identify the data related to the insurance claim process and also they have to address the regulatory requirements with better data operations. Thus, enabling a confidence that your data is protected.

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Insurance Claim processing requires a large amount of manual entry thus leading to a huge form of errors. Block chain technology handles out claims fastly. Also, it allows providing the benefit of secure-based data management throughout the insurance claims processing steps.  Starting from the management of identity, underwriting, data availability, and fraud management the technology could be carried out at fewer costs.  Smart contracts allow the paper contracts to turn to program codes and helps in automating the insurance claim processing.

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 The above trends would bring out a great change in the insurance field. The proper utilization of the trends helps in bringing out added profits to the industry. So it is better to move with the changing processes.

Being an offshore data entry service provider, Data Entry Export provides different BPO services to its clients. To get involved with our  services, mail us at [email protected][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Emeley John
How Does Data Processing Service Impact Your Business?

How Does Data Processing Service Impact Your Business?

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Data processing service is a significant part of a business as it helps in the conversion of raw data into meaningful information. As the data gets collected from various sources, it is important for every business to analyze and process them. The data or document processing services ensure to organize the data source and make it easily understandable. Data processing is all about information gathering, research, visualization, manipulation, and data entry, thereby, deriving a useful result.

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The overall concept of data processing service is categorized into seven stages – validation, data sorting, data summary, aggregation, data analysis, data reporting, and data classification.

As manual processing consumes valuable time, most organizations have started embracing the automated data processing service. There has been a rapid rise in the establishment of various offshore BPO outsourcing companies worldwide.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”appear”]Let’s discuss the benefits of data processing services on your business![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Simplified Report Making” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:17px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Merriweather%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”]

As your business data gets processed, it can be gathered and used beneficially. The facts and figures stored in the document processing can be organized perfectly, thereby, enhancing a quicker analysis. Also, the data processing service will enable you to generate reports accurately.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Accuracy and Reliability” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:17px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Merriweather%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_custom_heading text=”1. Data processing ” font_container=”tag:h3|font_size:15px|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Merriweather%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]

Data Processing facilitates a quicker collection and analysis of the information, eliminating any errors. The data undergoes a thorough automation process, thereby, avoiding the possibilities of any errors. It will lead to the presence of accurate and credible data. With the involvement of advanced software, the practice of data processing can be done quickly. Also, techniques such as data validation, data cleansing, etc. are essential for accurate business data.

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Every business needs to store the data in a secure format and the concerned people should have easy access to the data. Storing the data in a digital format is considered to be time-saving and affordable as you needn’t spend hours and money on data retrieval or accessing processes. Data processing service boosts the concept of digitization, bringing about huge profitability.

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Storing and preserving the processed business data in an electronic format will keep up with the norms of data privacy and security. Data theft has become one of the common occurrences in most organizations. Data processing service will keep your information safe and secure, preventing both internal and external thefts. This practice will prevent any kind of unauthorized access to data.

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Data processing service facilitates an excellent decision-making process. This will lead to the generation of quality and business-driven results. The BPO outsourcing companies tend to process the data in multiple ways for obtaining the business-required result. The real-time data processing will enable your business to focus on the core competencies, maximizing productivity, and enabling you to gain a competitive edge. As the processed data gets stored in an electronic format, you do not have to spend much time data accessing or searching.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]A few other data processing benefits include:

  • Ensuring to make the documents readable
  • Enhancing the customer experience
  • Validating the changes made to a document
  • Generating the reports instantly

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Though data processing service might sound be less significant, it has a huge impact on various wings of a business, such as marketing, advertising, sales strategies, etc. The impeccable data processing techniques can streamline the overall performance of your business and will contribute to the achieved customer satisfaction.

Data Entry Export is one of the reputed and successful offshore BPO companies, having notable experience in handling countless data entry, data processing, and data extraction services. If you wish to process a bulk of raw data, feel free to send your needs to [email protected]


Emeley John